Remote Monitoring
Remote Monitoring System

Kisan Solar
Remote Monitoring Device & Data Logger
Kisan Solar SPCM Controller has a built-in hardware for remotely monitoring the performance and fault conditions of each and every installed pump. It meets all the requirements of MNRE and much more. SPCM is certified by MNRE (NISE) for Remote Monitoring hardware and software and the certificate is available at the end of this manual for your kind perusal. The certificate verifies the correctness of all the data given by this hardware and software.
Kisan Solar's Remote Monitoring Software (RM for brevity) is a Graphical User Interface, which is easy to use and self-explanatory. The Graphical Interface is designed with a simple philosophy: CLICK on a field and drop down menu appears on the screen with different choices.
The working of Remote Monitoring Software
About the Software:
We have designed the software as a tool for monitoring performance by the Program monitoring officials as well as a tool for the government policy makers to employ the statistics provided by the software to innovate better programs and fullest use of installed PV Power. It can also help conservationist to monitor ground water depletion and take corrective action for preservation of our precious under ground water sources.Introduction:
The User may Login to RM software from any browser, be it Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla or Firefox. It is also compatible with Safari by Apple Computers. Type : in the URL
The screen that appears is referred as
page 1.
Page 2:
This is your DASHBOARD Page. It gives a summary of Pumps Installed, Pumps operating, Pumps switched off by Farmer and Pumps needing maintenance. Both the graphs are self-explanatory. The one on the left shows cumulative number of days all the installed pumps were on. The field that says Pumps off,
if you click on it, you will go to
Page 3
that shows cumulative number of days installed pumps were switched off.
That is the days PV Power was wasted as one could infer.
The graph on the right gives bird's eye view of total cumulative Energy in KWH produced by all the installed Pumps. It also gives very valuable data of ground water depletion by the installed pumps in Kilo Liter.
Extreme left of page 2 has a field called "Dashboard". Clicking on this page at any time will bring you to the dashboard page. Clicking on "Symbols" will take you to
Page 10
that give explanation of icons used by the software to describe various condition of the installation and it is self-explanatory.
Field designated below "Symbols" is "Solar Water Pump". Click on it and you will arrive at State of Rajasthan. Click on "Rajasthan" and you will arrive at drop down menu listing all the districts with installations. Clicking on each district gives a drop down menu with list of all the pumps (by designated serial numbers) and on the left side a little symbol appears that describes the installed pump's current status. The meaning of each icon may be deciphered from the last
Page 10
You may click on any of the serial number and that will take you to exclusive page, which describes the current status of the Pump and details of the farmer's name, village, district and other installation details etc.
Coming back to Dashboard, you may click on last field named "Needing Maintenance". Click on this field and you arrive at
Page 4.
Page opens with a drop down menu listing all the pumps that are under maintenance. Clicking on any one of them will open a page giving all the details of that pump including fault type, log of since when it is under repairs and the log of discharge etc. of the day before it went in to fault.
Page 8
Page 9
This pages gives on line status of pumps working and is as per requirements of MNRE. The second column from left gives current date. Column next to it gives current time. Column next to it gives MPPT Power, Frequency and Flow in Liters per Minute and next to it is the Condition and Status of the Pump. Under the field of Date you may click to choose the dates between which you wish to check the performance of the Pump. Clicking on it will take you to page 9 that show a drop down menu to select the dates between which you wish to check the performance.
Page 10 :
Lists of all the icons with explanation.