The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, in collaboration with NRDC India, organized an event to celebrate Women's Day, 'Women in Renewable Energy: Inspiring Gender Inclusion through Development and Targeted Policies for Green Jobs'. The event was held at the prestigious Auditorium, Atal Akshaya Urja Bhawan, New Delhi, a fitting location for such a significant event. With its unique perspective and experience, Kisan Solar was an active participant in this event. The event had an ambitious goal of reducing gender disparities in the green economy.
This was to be achieved through a collective effort, promoting skills development opportunities and strong policy frameworks that increase female participation in the green economy. Key stakeholders at this event included academic institutions, research, industry leaders, government officials and various grassroots organizations, including a note address by Shri R K Singh, the Hon'ble Cabinet Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy, and presentations on the role of women in the RE workforce by experts from NRDC India and CEEW.
We keenly discussed how women's increased participation in the renewable energy sector promotes equitable growth and long-term sustainability for India. The government, non-governmental agencies, and industry were not just highlighted, but celebrated for their crucial role in providing these key opportunities and ensuring equitable policies. This celebration of their efforts made the event a truly inspiring and uplifting experience. Dignitaries at the event discussed the growing opportunity and development of green jobs in India and globally and the various barriers women continue to face in this sector, such as cooking, lack of skills, child-rearing, etc. Also, the event emphasized on cross-collaboration across sectors of innovation, strategic approaches and skill-building to reduce the challenges and barriers that women continue to face in the green economy.
The event provided the incredible opportunity to connect with 60+ stakeholders from the solar sector in India, exchange dialogues, and discuss potential collaborations. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been our key stakeholder and accreditor, and it was a pleasure to participate in continuing our mission to promote renewable energy and gender inclusion in the growing green economy.