Sinusoidal Power Controller with MPPT   (Maximum Power Point Tracking)

SPCM unlike other solar pump controllers is not an adapted solution (like VFD) but dedicated solar pump controller, designed, developed and built at IIT-Bombay. It is a patented technology with 14 claims; SPCM’s MPPT efficiency that is input energy efficiency is above 99.5 percent for wide range of voltage levels. Thus it is the only solar pump controller to confirm to IEC 61683 (International Electro technical Commission)’s stringent parameters. Or even that of European standards laid down under EN 50530 standards.The only controller to give pure sine wave output with THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) less than 3%: ensures very long life of the motor. It has built in GSM/GPRS facility for remote operation and fault monitoring.

SPCM at a fraction of cost can be adapted to run any application be it Chaff Cutter, Atta Chakki, Deep Freezer or any load with 4 or 6 pole motors requiring very high starting torque. SPCM has facility to interface 1phase grid supply to power 3phase equipment (Pump or any equipment), when irradiance is not available and SPV is not generating any power. This is done seamlessly without load or equipment knowing the switch over from one to another source.

SPCM is available in single channel till 20 HP rating and from 20 HP above to 60 HP is available in multi channel (4 Channels) version. Multi channel SPCM up to 60 HP is called MC-SPCM and is the only dedicated solar controller for such higher rating pump.

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Salient Features

99.5% MPPT
  • Proprietary Boost Circuit design
  • Efficient MPPT Algorithm for maximum SPV power extraction
94% efficiency & Extended Daytime
  • Early Morning Wake up
  • Extended to late evening
A-Grade Power Quality
  • 3-Phase Pure Sine wave
  • THD < 2%
  • No Voltage Spike
  • No Ringing
8 Protections
  • Over Current
  • Over Voltage
  • Motor Stall
  • Short Circuit, Open Circuit
  • Dry Run, Reverse Polarity
  • Automatic Wake up, Safe Shutdown, etc.
V/F Control Up to 52Hz
  • Precise V/F control
  • Low and High load Power Mgmt.
  • Can operate greater than 50 Hz for high throughput
Data Logger & Friendly Interface

Data logs available for all critical power parameters useful for :

  • a. Energy Management & Monitoring,
  • b. Solar Mapping, ec.

Extremely Easy and lntuitive Control Panel operation


With higher MPPT efficiency, SPCM gives 50-70% higher water discharge than VFD Pumps and 15-25% higher water discharge than DC pumps.
MPPT technology lets the pump draw more power, make it run faster and longer and produce more electricity.
Pure sine-wave AC output with low total harmonic distortion (THD) increases the life of pump motor. In comparison, VFD systems have AC output of high THD.
Protection against reverse polarity, short circuit, dry run, open circuit, etc.
Indigenous technology allows economical local repairs (as opposed to sending the equipment abroad for expensive repairs).
Can provide starting torque to any AC motor- 2,4,6 or 8 pole.

SPCM Technology Milestones

Developed at IIT, Mumbai.
Certified by GERMI (Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute
Certified by NISE (National Institute of Solar Energy) for 3HP and 5HP segments
Also certified by NISE for remote monitoring technology
Certified by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Certified by UL India Pvt. Ltd.